Thursday, July 4, 2013

4th of July and other musings

Well, we won our last home game of the regular season last night! I'm a proud momma. Our son runs like the wind. They all hit well, ran, made good plays. I'm a proud coach's wife, too. Being a coach of a knothole's a LOT of work. And it's thankless. Very few realize how much off-field time goes into coaching. And few thank the coach for volunteering their time away from work, their families, their's a lot of work. And being the coach's wife is hard too. Hearing all the comments from others when you're sitting in the stands, sometimes disagreeing yourself with your spouse, but also needing to support your husband to other parents, picking up the extra load at home while your spouse is out at practice, or meetings, games...I love watching my boy play ball, so it's all worth it in the end. I'm glad we are at tournament time. 

What's even better is, the game ended in plenty time to make it to the big fireworks display our little town does every year. In March 2012, our town was nearly leveled by an F3 tornado. And yet, 4 months later, we still had fireworks. It's what we do, and it's done really well. The girls loved it. The lightning bugs loved ME. I loved coming home and snuggling in my very comfy bed after a really long day.

So, today is the 4th of July. The husband and I were both Marines. We love history. So today is a great holiday for us. I got up on time to get the boy to his high school for the parade - he plays percussion with the band - only to find out, it was cancelled because of all the rain we are getting. Great for plant growth but terrible for veggie production. My tomato plants need some heat and sun. My husband needs tomatoes. 

So here we lay, under comfy warm blankets, watching The Walking Dead marathon, eating my famous homemade chili. It's the least stressful 4th I've ever had. I almost wish it would rain like this next year, too! 

In the end, I guess we don't need crazy heat and blazing sun. We are still free and live in an amazing country, even if its rained enough for Noah to float an ark. At least we are together. We are family. 

I like it that way. 

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