Google "why can't women get along" and you'll find 215,000,000 results. Imagine if you disallowed 3/4 of that number for duplicate info. The left over number still means a staggering amount of information on the topic.
I'm sure you've either said, or knows someone who has said, "I have more male friends than female friends." I know I've said it, mostly because at those times in my life, it was true. But I never really thought about why it was true.
I grew up in a trailer park. It was a lot of drama. But I had two friends that I loved dearly and through divine intervention still have contact with. In high school, I had several close friends, but it wasn't until I joined the Marine Corps that I realized I just got along better with guys. I'm loud and opinionated and I found that guys just didn't hold grudges when I bared my feelings and they hit close to home for someone. Guys are really good at saying, "Bygones." Remember "Ally McBeal" and Fish? It worked for me.
But then I found myself expecting my son. And I met the two women who are as good at bygones as I needed them to be. We loved each other immediately. It was a take-a-grenade kind of friendship from go - not because we were Marines and that's what we were trained to do, but because we literally can't imagine a world where the other two aren't in it. When we get to spend time together, it's like our hearts refill and our energy is renewed. But we've had times where even we didn't get along. We got over it pretty easily, but then, we are good at bygones.
Some people say women can't get along because of jealousy. I can agree in many instances. This was the case when I worked in a doctor's office. Everyone wanted to one up each other, to be the favorite and shine the brightest.
Sometimes though, it's something else. I've heard it said that it must be the fault of the feminists. We've heard for so long that "I am Woman, Hear Me Roar!" cry for so long, we think we must push and fight and debate everything in our lives. Men don't need this, and some women don't either, so they find themselves at certain times getting along better with the opposite sex more than women who can encourage, support and nurture them. Perhaps that's why we all go through the stage where we can't even get along with our mothers; we're in a constant power struggle with them, and ourselves.
Being a woman is hard. We feel so much more on an emotional level. We struggle with self-image. We often times feel we can't say no to those wanting or demanding our time, so we're stressed and over-committed. We have demands as a daughter or sister, a mother and/or wife. Top that off with our job - whether it be at home with the kids, or in an office somewhere. We have a habit of taking care of everyone else but ourselves. No wonder we have a hard time investing more time into each other!
Sometimes we do. We invest time, help each other out, learn about each other, and years can go by; then we find out what we thought was a good friend just believes differently about things we consider fundamental to who we are. And we make the choice to walk away from that. Often times, there's no real explanation, but we will go out of our way to show caddiness, and even do or say hurtful things. And we know exactly what hateful things to hurl at that person. After all, we've spent a lot of time learning what makes them tick. And we use these emotional weapons to hurt people who perhaps just didn't deserve it. Instead of accepting a woman for who she is and celebrating the variety their beliefs bring to the friendship, we toss it away. We teach other women there's no loyalty among us.
God created Eve to provide companionship for Adam. Eve was to be nurturing, loving, a wife, and a mother. But that doesn't mean she can't and shouldn't also be loving, nurturing, open and honest for other women. It enriches our lives and can create a lifelong support system that women do really need.
I'm so lucky that my two best friends and I are like this, but we are separated by two states on either side (I'm in the middle). But there's other ladies I've realized are walking away from time invested in a friendship and I often find I'm the one asking "What happened?!" while they're hurling insults and hurtful words. As I said, I'm loud and opinionated and usually, so are the ladies I find friendship with. So maybe they decide I'm too abrasive or they just don't care to hear my opinion anymore. I'm not sure.
But I'm also someone who welcomes some variety, and I have lots of friends of different backgrounds and beliefs, which makes it more interesting. Unless someone is emotionally abusive or toxic, or engaging in illegal behavior I can't condone, I rarely completely give up on a friend. We ladies need each other. Guys are okay, but only a woman really understands the complexities of being a woman. It all boils down to acceptance. Women are having a hard time getting along because they have a hard time accepting each other as they are.
So, I'm going out on a limb today and saying I'm sorry to those I have given up on because I couldn't be more open and accepting. And I hope that if you've ever given up on me, you find yourself willing to try to be friendly again. After all, variety is the spice of life. We must be open, accepting, and gracious to one another. We don't have to agree all the time - that would be boring - but let's not hold grudges. Accept we are all different, and we can enjoy the differences or live a bland life surrounded by those who are exactly like us. And who really wants that? I know I don't.