Thursday, April 3, 2014

25 chickens and a good time

We consider ourselves chicken people. A long time ago, my mom decided she wanted a few chickens, so her best friend gave us two little hens, one black sex link and one Japanese Black Tail. I named them Rachel and Rhonda. Then we got Ruby and Rodney. I immediately fell in love with Rodney. He was so graceful and had the prettiest tail feathers. As animals do on the farm, one of the hens hid an egg too well and one day we got Ralph. Ralph was obviously Rachel and Rodney's because he wasn't purebred Black Tail. The neighbors complained and so eventually, we sent them all back to my mom's friend. I imagine they lived a full life there on her farm.

Two years ago, I read in a magazine that keeping chickens meant wonderful manure for compost. I garden. So naturally, that weekend we went to Tractor Supply and got 6 day old pullets. Two weeks later, I got 6 more. Then I got 6 more...

Today's official count is 25 chickens. We have a little bantam rooster named Lil Seamus who thinks he's big and rules the roost with lots of confidence. We have a few White Plymouth Rocks and Red Sex-Links, along with a black Australorp named Candy. We added a few Easter Eggers last spring who lay pretty green eggs every day. Once we got the chicken barn up and ready, we added 9 more hens. Pure bred Auracanas of assorted colors, Amberlinks and two Hamburgs. We still needed white egg layers, so we added White Leghorn chicks, along with two Wyandottes and two Brahmas.  The Brahmas will have feathers on their feet. They're already my favorite chicks ever.

Chickens ARE a wonderful source of nitrogen rich manure. Composted down, it's the best fertilizer around, in my opinion.

The eggs are unlike anything you can get at a store. Rich, deep yellow or almost orange yolks, and they bake amazingly well. I love my farm fresh eggs and won't ever go back.

Chickens are also hilarious. They each have their own personality.  They love to see you coming with treats. And they are adorable, cheering each other on with the egg song after a hen lays her egg for the day.

I can't imagine life without our feathered friends. They are the ultimate livestock because nothing is wasted. They live their lives entertaining you, give you eggs and fertilize your veggie garden, eat the critters that would attack your garden, and then themselves be a meal when their time on earth is over. And then, you can take it a step further and use the bones to make bone broth which is invaluable in soups and actually has beneficial nutrients to help with colds and the flu.

Chickens are a perfect animal for your kids to learn to care and be responsible for animals on the farm, too.

The only downside to owning chickens is its hard to stop buying more of them. And...they make you want more farm animals. Which is how I have 3 rabbits in the barn now, and 5 turkeys on order, and plans for two goats this fall.

Do you own chickens or have questions how to get started? If so, let me know! I'd love to hear your stories or answer some questions you might have!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Life on The Farm

It's been 45 days since we moved to what we simply call "The Farm". We didn't plan on moving, at least in the middle of winter. We always dreamed of a farm. Animals, large garden, no (crazy) neighbors.  It was about a 7 year plan.

Instead it became a 12 week plan when we saw this place. Life works that way sometimes.

I now have a bigger house - with a dishwasher! - and barns to put animals. We added 9 more hens and just got 3 bunnies this week. More baby chicks are coming too. I ordered turkeys this past weekend. They'll make delicious Thanksgiving meals for three families, mine included, this year. And, once the turkeys leave we have a place for dairy goats.

I have a 1/8 acre garden, which I just ordered my last set of seed packets for, and, in which I discovered some overgrown apple trees this weekend. I have two greenhouses, long neglected, that will become my project this year. I'm returning them to use fullness and will enjoy fresh veggies all next winter.

My girls have space to run. The dogs have space to run without a leash. The cat has more moles and mice to chase than he really cares to go after. 

My life...This life in the 513 got sweeter 45 days ago. I literally feel like my soul is lifting off with joy when I think of all I get to do this year at this farm. I'm full of joy. And I like it.

Here's a shot of the beautiful sunrise. I took this the other day with my phone, while waiting for the bus with my girls.

Monday, January 20, 2014

How Did That Happen?!

Today, my son Silas turns sixteen. How time flies. It didn't seem that long ago, a Navy Corpsman was telling me I was pregnant, and I was terrified. Kids weren't in the plan. I was weeks away from being 20, and had barely begun what I had hoped would be a long career in the Marine Corps. I hadn't babysat as a teenager, had never changed a diaper. I'm not even sure I liked kids. They always seemed sticky from some unknown candy and I could never understand their babble. But I was having a baby.  

I had been adopted by my father's family and grew up not knowing my mother's side. Meeting them a year before had a profound effect on me, so giving my child up was not an option. I don't believe in abortion, so that was never an option. My only option was to take full responsibility and raise my child. There were a lot of opinions about that. My dad simply said, "It won't be easy, but I know you can do it." My mom was shocked and hurt, but within a few days, made her peace with it and started sending care packages to me filled with baby clothes and toys. I got an apartment off base and began preparing a nursery. I made a few close friends that helped keep me company; one had a little girl, so I learned how to change a diaper and talk baby talk. 

And at 10:27 pm on the 19th of January, I looked at the birth father and told him not to get too comfortable on the couch...the time had come. It took three trips to the hospital for them to decide to keep me. I was 14 hours into my labor at this point. My best friend had joined us. It took nearly 10 more hours, but Silas Jerome made his entrance. He had jet black hair (a full head of it), bright blue eyes and the prettiest complexion. He stared at me in wonder and I'm sure I looked at him the same way. I loved him madly, instantly.  

Being a single mom, we spent a lot of time together. He was my little buddy. He was hilarious, a happy little boy who was full of hugs and kisses. When I left the Marines and came back to Ohio, he quickly became Grandpa's boy. He's still the only grandson. 

He still has a full head of hair that I wished he would style better and cut more often. His eyes are a gorgeous hazel, but usually green. 

Dear Lord, the boy loves sports. He almost never stops talking about sports. He plays baseball and runs track and cross country. He runs like the wind. It's a thing of beauty, really. 

He made the honor roll last quarter after struggling first quarter. 

He's still hilarious. 

He drives. He has a lot to learn with that, though. His dad probably will never ride with him again. 

And today, he's 16 years old. 

My cup runners over with pride for this boy, almost man. I may not have known a lot about parenting when he was born, but I knew how to love him fiercely. I think I've done an okay job. I think he will do amazing things in this world. God has great plans for him, I just know it. I don't know how 16 years went by so quickly. It's almost not fair. It's almost terrifying. But it's also been the sweetest 16 years of my life. Parenting is the most rewarding and permanent way to leave your mark on this world. I might not have had kids in my plan, but thank God, the good Lord above had them in HIS plan for me. I love being a mom. I love this young man with the crazy hair and kind of green eyes and his two silly little sisters. Sometimes we wonder "How did this happen to me?" and God answers with His plan. And His plan...gave me a remarkable son. I couldn't be more thankful for that.